Bosco Sodi | Rock & Roll: Bosco Sodi and the Objects of Interest

Casa das Rosas Museum, São Paulo, SP


Executive Production

Curated by: Marcello Dantas

Bosco Sodi, Mexican artist known for his work that moves between abstract and concrete, with textures that defy the materials from which they are made, uses natural elements and raw materials to explore themes central to colonized cultures and their consequences. Fully realized in Brazil, the works exhibited here engage with the architecture of Casa das Rosas in São Paulo.


Sodi delves into themes such as exploration, colonization, and environmental impact, promoting a journey of discovery and reflection. He blends history and materiality, emulating concrete poetry where form and content are inseparable, and expression emerges directly from the material used. His methodology, involving the use of local materials and integration with the context of each place, reflects the authenticity and energy of what he produces under the liberating and colonizing duality of rock and roll, capturing the spirit of the time with a presence and objectivity that defy conventions.


Sodi has the habit of naming his works with excerpts from rock songs, and each work exhibited here has been titled with fragments of a single song. Few realize that many times rock has been used as a tool for cultural colonization and political deterrence.


The exhibition at Casa das Rosas is an experience through memory and matter, an exploration of the geo-poetics of the Americas. From the ritual materials he investigates, ranging from earth, coffee, and sugar to wood, gold, blood, and salt, the artist invites the visitor to search for evidence embedded in our collective memory of how minds are colonized. He challenges one to see beyond the surface, to feel the complex texture of history, and to recognize the power of art as a tool for questioning, connecting, and healing.